Seam de Rad ● Studio, Agency, Freelancer Portfolio


Happy Holidays: 40% OFF with code W40


A powerful Framer template for high-impact Portfolios that wow. Perfect for Studio, Agency, Freelancer and other creatives.

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  • 3 Home page layouts

  • Fully responsive

  • Custom cursor

  • 'Pleasure': 3D. Ring text effect on the Contact page

  • Smart title: Justify + Auto Responsive

  • CMS powered Projects and Updates (2 collections)

  • Easy to customisable

  • Bonus: 'Updates' section

    The ‘Updates’ section is created Just for Fun—to immediately catch visitors' interest with the latest news you have.
    These are short text updates about changes on your website or in your Pro life, such as "a new project added to your portfolio", "a new team member", "a new award" or "a well-known magazine mentioned you in an article", etc.
    Updates are added from the CMS. The badge is NOT dynamic.

You can easily add or edit Projects via Framer CMS. Everything is set up and ready to go.

░ A Note on Custom Code

Additional code is used in the template to solve some functionality:

  • Smart title (Code Override)

  • Random variant in Hero (Code Override)

  • Selection styles (Code Component)

░ License for Single Use Only

This license grants permission for the utilization of this template solely by you or a single client for a singular end product. Redistribution or resale, whether in its original form or with modifications, is strictly prohibited.

░ Refund Policy

As these are digital products, we do not offer refunds. Once a template is purchased, it cannot be returned. We recommend reviewing the product details and any available previews carefully before making a purchase.

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